Scheduling an appointment is easy but not required*
•Walk-in and be pierced (first come first served)
• Stop in or call so we can talk about your vision
• Get a price range for your piercing
• Set a time
• Pay the required deposit**
• Receive your deposit receipt and appointment reminder card

It’s a very good idea if you can come to your appointment
• Well rested
• Hydrated
• Well fed (never good to be hangry)
• Ready to sit and enjoy getting your new body modification
We love to have a good time. Laughing, joking and a certain amount of tomfoolery is encouraged but there are people working and those that are in pain. They don’t necessarily want chaos to surround them. Please remember that this is a place of business first and foremost.
• Your children are more than welcome to accompany you to your appointment.
• Your child/children will need to remain in the waiting area while you are in the procedure room, if your child cannot be left unattended you will need to bring along a proper supervisor.
• Please know your child well enough to ensure their behavior is conducive to the environment described above.
• We are currently only accepting cash payment.
*If you arrive for your appointment and appear intoxicated or impaired to the degree you can’t make an informed decision, you will be asked to come back at a later date.
**Deposits are non-refundable; however, we understand life happens. Please let us know before your scheduled appointment date if you would like the opportunity to reschedule. Your deposit will be used toward the new date and time. A no-call-no-show will be treated as such. Your deposit will be used as compensation to the artist for the time and energy used filling your spot.
Your quest for an unrivaled body art experience starts and ends here. Come see us in person, friend us on Facebook @forgedinflesh, join us on Instagram @forgedinflesh or give us a call/text @ 520-369-9080 and tell us what we can do for you.